Pervasive Computing: IBM's Autonomic System and the Cautions Necessary       Pervasive computing is here.  It is being integrated into our society in as many ways that can be thought up.  Chips are popping up in everyday objects.  Cars, planes, ships, phones, PDA’s, refrigerators, and soon a person’s hat, shoes, and clothing.  This is all well and good, the advancement of technology is something that has always and will always be a constant in our culture.  The need for more interconnectivity is becoming more apparent in business, schools, and personal lives.  IBM is working on a project, called Autonomic Computing, which will create a universal standard for technology and the integration of electronic devices. One of their claims for the necessity of the project is a quote, “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them." - Alfred North Whitehead.

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